No development in Barbados offers a more convenient and accessible location than Adams Castle Estate. The Estate is a mere minute’s drive to The Sheraton Mall, Barbados’ largest shopping centre also containing its leading cinema complex, and is only 5 minutes from one of the island’s latest Supermarkets, Price Lo.
It is located almost halfway between The Grantley Adams International Airport and Bridgetown. The airport is a mere 15 minute drive while accessing the Capital takes only 20 minutes and is a short drive on the country’s main ABC (Adams, Barrow, Cummings) Highway.
Adams Castle Estate is also located in easy driving distance to some of Barbados’ best beaches. You can take your pick from among our fine South Coast beaches including Accra, Miami, Carlisle Bay and Long Beach, while most other of Barbados’ 70 miles of beaches including those on the West and East coasts are only 30-45 minutes away. Restaurants, bars and nightlife also are within easy reach of Adams Castle Estate while accessible sport and recreation can also be found nearby with golf, boating, horse racing, watersports, gym, squash and tennis facilities all clustered conveniently on the South Coast.

At Adams Castle Estate, purchasing the perfect lot on which to build your dream home brings with it the added bonus of a rich and storied history. It imbues your property with a direct linkage to one of the oldest plantations in Barbados, owned through the ages by some of Barbados’ finest families.
The first recorded history of Adams Castle Estate was in 1674 as seen on Forde’s map of Barbados, only 47 years after the first English settlement on the island. It was then called Hackett’s Plantation and owned by Sir Robert Hackett, who left the 400 acre plantation to his wife Dame Frances Hackett in 1679 with instructions that it would go to his son William Hackett on her death. Unfortunately for William, Frances remarried in that same year to Thomas Waldrond and the plantation passed to her husband and was renamed Waldrond’s Plantation.
Frances and Thomas had two daughters, Frances and Elizabeth. The elder, Frances, married William Adams and inherited the property in 1694 upon the death of Frances Waldrond formerly Hackett. Frances and William Adams had a son, Thomas Adams who later married Margaret Maxwell. They in turn had a son named Thomas Maxwell Adams. On the death of her first husband Frances Adams remarried to the Honourable George Graeme, owner of Graeme Hall, and the estate became his. The younger sister, Elizabeth Waldrond, married James Elliot and in 1715 he began a seven year process which resulted in his ownership of the estate.
On his death James Elliott bequeathed the property to his wife Elizabeth who, although remarrying to Thomas Maxwell, had no children to whom to pass the estate. Hence, on her death in 1750, Elizabeth bequeathed Waldrond’s Plantation to her great-nephew Thomas Maxwell Adams and at that time its name changed to Adams Castle.
The Estate remained in the Adams family until the 1850s after which it changed hands many times among some of the leading families in Barbados including the Gills, Ashbys, Inces, Wards and Deanes.
Now in Adams Castle Estate, you have an opportunity to own part of this rich history and to continue the legacy started prior to 1674.
Adams Castle Estate has been ideally configured as a secure residential community with fixed entry points, wide verges and comprehensive street lighting to maximise safety.
There are two, easy to regulate access points for vehicles with secure gates at both these entrance and exit points.
Within the community, play and picnic areas have also been set aside for residents and their children. Should it become desirable to create a gated community in the future, residents will find that all the infrastructure is already in place to regulate access while streets, verges and common areas will always be maintained as well lit and safe areas for your family.